Pioneer Polymer Terms & Conditions

When you order, please specify the product part number, description, and page number. We will do everything possible to process your order on the same day received, and if the product is in stock, ship immediately thereafter. Our minimum order is $50.00. Orders below that amount will have a $10.00 service charge added to them.
We will be pleased to quote you competitive pricing on larger quantities or specialty items not mentioned on our website. All price quotations are valid for 15 days. Clerical errors are subject to correction.
Cash, credit cards, or C.O.D., unless credit is approved. For an open account, please send us banking information plus three credit reference. Invoice payments are due in thirty days from the date of the invoice. No statement will be issued.
Taxes will be added to each invoice unless you have specified that the product is for resale and have provided us with a completed and signed resale card. A $5.00 handling charge to cover handling and processing applies to all orders, and will be added to the freight charges shown on your invoice.
Orders for special product or for items not ordinarily stocked may not be canceled or returned without our written permission. If they are canceled, these orders may be subject to a cancellation or a restocking charge of 15 percent or more, depending on circumstances.
All shipments, without exception, are F.O.B., Vietnam, unless we advise you otherwise at time of order placement. This means that transfer of ownership occurs at Vietnam. As a result, Common Carriers require you to report any damage caused during shipment immediately to them for prompt processing of any claims. $2.50 handling charges are added to every order.
It is important that if there are any discrepancies in a shipment, whether it be quantity, price or part number, it must be reported NO LATER THAN 72 HOURS FROM RECEIPT OF THE SHIPMENT. We assumes that merchandise was received in accordance with the packing slip unless we are notified within 72 hours of the receipt date.
Prior to returning any merchandise, please call our customer service department for an RMA (Return Material Authorization) number. We reserve the right to charge a restocking and/or handling charge in applicable cases. Under no circumstances we will accept returns after the 7th business day of shipment.
If you desire a vendor catalog, data sheet or other product information, please call and we will be glad to provide it to you. We do not make any warranties express or implied as to the accuracy of the specifications or the data and assumes no responsibilities or liabilities arising out of our products..
Export shipments of our products can be made anywhere in the world, except to countries prohibited by U.S. law. Please call us for further assistance or if you would like our catalog sent to your overseas facilities.